The No BS Human Design Podcast

Embracing Your Spiritual Warrior with Yvonne McCoy

Adriana Keefe Episode 169

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If you’ve ever had that twinge of doubt or that glimmer of fear in your mind about diving in and starting anything new — this episode is for you.

Today I’m talking with Yvonne McCoy, a truly inspirational business coach who’s just as obsessed with societal conditioning as I am!

Yvonne helps women entrepreneurs peel back the layers of the “shoulds” to find their authentic purpose, or as she says, “where their head business and heart business overlap.”

And she’s passionate about proving that it's never too late and you're not too old to try anything new or to become who you really are.

Listen in as we dish on:

  • why being successful isn’t a binary but more of a trial and experiment, and how we can get over our fear of failure to adjust as we go through life
  • getting over the societal pressures to nurture and entering the spiritual warrior phase of your life
  • learning to understand and receive your unique gifts by having your friends and family reflect them back to you — and how to ask them to help you with this
  • a quick trick to reframe your mindset on tasks and to-dos that just can’t be avoided (even if they don’t light you up)

All this, plus Yvonne's secrets for 52 (!!!) years of marriage!

I hope this episode is as inspiring and enlightening for you as it was for me, and I can’t wait for you to hear it now.


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I look forward to getting to know you better so please subscribe, rate, and review this episode!

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