The No BS Human Design Podcast

What to Do When You’re Impatiently Stuck in Your Not-Self Theme

Adriana Keefe Episode 162

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Real talk: I used to realllly, fully, strongly dislike the word patience. How about you?

Even when I thought I was doing everything in alignment in my journey as an entrepreneur, I kept getting frustrated with how looooong it seemed to take to find success and to feel an impact with my work.

It took me time to realize that the time it took was part of the journey itself!

That’s why I felt called to talk about the not-self theme, impatience, and keeping motivation in today’s episode.

When you feel like you're in alignment and yet your not-self theme is coming through — you're disappointed, you're bitter, you're frustrated — it’s easy to get impatient with the process.

Believe me, I have been there so many times!

So I’m sharing some ways to help you reframe those impatient urges and re-align yourself when that not-self feeling keeps popping up.

I’m getting into:

  • why the first question you need to ask yourself is: Who is defining your success? It might not be YOU
  • how to shift your focus away from impatience when you’re tired of your own bullshit and stuck in a low energy frequency
  • why the not-self theme isn’t a source of shame or judgement, just an indicator — and how you can turn those “bad feelings” and “shoulds” into curiosity and TKKT
  • and why it’s so important to have a supportive community of people around you as your journey evolves

Remember, our path is not linear and we can feel pushed back time and time again by perceived setbacks, but sometimes all we need is a reminder to trust divine timing. And that’s what I’m here for.

Listen in, and feel free to come back to this episode any time you need a mindset reset!

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