The No BS Human Design Podcast

Essential Oils vs. Human Design: Dual Path to Power with Arin Fugate

Episode 129

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There are so many ways to find healing, Human Design is just one of them. My friend, Arin Fugate, is very passionate about essential oils after going through her own healing journey.

Arin is a Manifestor and grew up in a very spiritual upbringing, filled with meditation, prayer, and living off the grid. When she was a teenager, she found herself lost in the real world and the hardships that came along with it. As many people do, she turned to drugs and alcohol to ease her pain.

Until the day that Arin had a calling to do more with her life. She returned to her roots of prayer and yoga, asking for guidance. Through her prayer she heard a voice tell her that she needed to teach. Arin had no idea what her life was about to turn into!

After much practice, Arin found that the same essential oils that her mother loved would bring her healing. They became a passion and what Arin teaches about today!

How did Arin's teenage transformation affect her relationship with her mother?
How can essential oils heal?
What oils should you use based on your Human Design?

Arin would like to caution everyone that essential oils are not regulated. Don't buy from the mainstream stores. If you want the results that Arin is talking about, you need pure essential oils. Reach out to Arin and ask her any questions that you may have!

Connect with Arin
Instagram @jasmineandjuniperliving
Jasmine and Juniper Podcast

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